Monday, July 20, 2015

Why You Need to Learn Coding?

Let's be honest, computers are everywhere.

  • In your office: Where you spend almost all of your working time. 
  • In your pockets: Smartphones is a portable computer.
  • On your wrists: Watches are now a very small computer.
  • In your house: TVs today have an operating system that lets you watch streaming movies.
  • In you living room: You now have TV "sticks" that you plug-in to your HDMI TVs to become smart.
  • You also have gaming consoles with games and apps that you can buy.
  • In your car: Like the Tesla electric cars which has a large dashboard touchscreen, where you can control your car (and a phone app for that matter).

Then there's the Internet of things which is defined in wiki:

"The Internet of Things (IoT, sometimes Internet of Everything) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity to enable objects to exchange data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices based on the infrastructure of International Telecommunication Union's Global Standards Initiative.[1] The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,[2] creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit.[3][4][5][6][7] Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020."

From stoves, to microwave ovens, to rice cookers, to refrigerators, to washing machine- all of the appliances we have at home will have software for it to run.

In conclusion, we need to learn coding. We need our kids to learn early, so they can be prepared on the onslaught of things which can be programmed to be efficient in the near future.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Nintendo Family Computer

Who doesn't remember the iconic family computer?

When I was a kid, I go to my neighbor just to play famicom all day playing little mac, punching bulls and even quirky opponents, figuring out its fighting patterns and ultimately winning the boxing game.

I hardly win without their help.

Those were the wonder years in my life: fun, free-spirited, stay-up all night playing, playing AND playing games.

Even when I got out from elementary alive, I played street brawling with new friends in hs. We escape from hs fair jumping fences, eluding security guards and went straight to the mall playing like a martial arts fighter who looks like Jacky Chan, or Bruce Lee and a fighter that resembles Vanilla Ice and a monster who is a woman? With a back-drop of supersonic jets, religious temples, cage fighting arenas and even a crowded flea market.

Later on, I can remember playing with relatives a game of tennis that features rock stars like you and me. Then, there's also the bowling game that even my less than ten year old niece, showing me how to do it and beating me every game.

Then later on, I saw my nieces playing Super Mario Bros. on 3DS while wondering why I never played.

Well, that's life.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Touch Me Not?

One word: "Hell!"

As Pao from Reddit resigned because she's just trying to stop hatred, it's like everyone thinks that it is wrong. We've come to the age of idolizing evil, and loves being evil. The younger generations thinks that evil is cool. But, what they don't know that evil will feed hatred, and result to our extinction. The world today is different. It's like heaven is falling from the sky: earthquakes, famine, floods, pestilence and unending wars that plague the news headlines everyday. Is this the new normal? I guess so. We might not like it but God in His goodness will destroy the earth and everything in it, just to save the few, and purge the evil, renew the earth then, life starts anew.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Taylor Swift is Maybe Listening to Bob Dylan Right Now

It's Saturday, you are FREE!

Now's your chance to go to a coffee shop with your sweetheart or your pet dog, and listen to Apple Music.

Bob Dylan!?! Haven't heard of him for quite a long time. I knew him but I don't know him or his music, so who cares? Jacked-in to my iPad with 3-month trial of Apple Music, then KABAM! It's back in time.

Seriously, I'm having a good time listening so much oldies that I haven't been born yet. But, even the greats have to admit, "It's good 'ol music."

Is it my fault? It ain't me, babe. :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Bad Guys Always Win?

Today, there is so much evil around us. Evil in school, evil in offices and even in our house; it's like everyone became Darth Vader. So much power, but so much hate. We turned our world into a dark empire that consumes us, and ultimately kills us. No one knows love anymore because it's boring. Being bad is hip or cool, and being good is corny or Spongebob. In reality, we need to be good, or else we pay for every crooked things we have done, and that's not cool. Maybe, it's fine to be evil in video games or movies but being evil in the meat world is something serious because we pay for the consequences of sin, and that is hell. There is hell. I've never seen it (because it is still to come), but we do believe there is evil and punishment; there is good a reward. It's that simple system that works in real world and the next. And by the way, good always prevail.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Word of the Day - We need you!

For the body itself is not made up of only one part, but of many parts. If the foot were to say, "Because I am not a hand, I don't belong to the body," that would not keep it from being part of the body. And if the ear were to say, "Because I am not an eye, I don't belong to the body," that would not keep it from being part of the body. If the whole body were just an eye, how could it hear? And if it were only an ear, how could it smell? As it is, however, God put every different part in the body just as he wanted it to be. There would not be a body if it were all only one part! As it is, there are many parts but one body.

So then, the eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" Nor can the head say to the feet, "Well, I don't need you!" On the contrary, we cannot do without the parts of the body that seem to be weaker, and those parts that we think aren't worth very much are the ones which we treat with great care; while the parts of the body which don't look very nice are treated with special modesty, which the more beautiful parts do not need. God has put the body together in such a way to give greater honor to those parts that need it. And so there is no division in the body, but all its different parts have the same concern for one another. If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it; if one part is praised, all the other parts share its happiness.

1 Corinthians 12:14-26

Question: Can you apply this in your office, school, church, community, home with your family, or even in the government, and as a nation?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Word of the Day - Leave all worries to God

My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ's sufferings, so that you may be full of joy when his glory is revealed. Happy are you if you are insulted because you are Christ's followers; this means that the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God, is resting on you. If you suffer, it must not be because you are a murderer or a thief or a criminal or a meddler in other people's affairs. However, if you suffer because you are a Christian, don't be ashamed of it, but thank God you bear Christ's name.

1 Peter 5:12-16

In the same way you younger people must submit yourselves to your elders. And all of you must put on the apron of humility, to serve one another; for the scriptures says, "God resists the proud, but shows favor to the humble. "Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand, so that he will lift you up in his own good time. Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.

Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him, because you know that other believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings. But after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who calls you to share his eternal glory in union with Christ, will himself perfect you and give you firmness, strength, and a sure foundation. To him be the power forever! Amen.

1 Peter 5:5-11

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Word of the Day - God is Good News


Everytime I go downstairs in the morning, I could already hear the radio announcer trash talking somebody in office. News poured in like waves crashing to fragile walls of your chest, pounding so fast it hurts even to your ears. At night, you could watch the TV showing smoke from afar with fires of AK-47s tearing up human shields. I say, "Another bad news!"

Nobody wants to hear bad news, even from your spouse. You could even feel the throbbing veins in your temple and that shiver coming up from your spine. I really hate it! What I want to hear is some good news. I want to hear that the business is going well, or you won some lottery from SMS from someone you don't know, or your spouse suddenly gave you some flowers (which rarely happens), or you received a check worth P45 so you could buy halo-halo.

The bible is "good news" when you are good, and the bible is bad news if you are bad. But, the good news is the bible tells of forgiveness. Where do sinners go? In the church! God's love is shed for our shortcomings because He knows us. For that, we come to know also Him.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

I Am Wisdom For .99 Cents Only!

Hi, everyone! Today, I am running a kindle promotion that makes my book, I Am Wisdom, only for .99 cents! Grab your copy now exclusively at Thanks for supporting us!

"I am Wisdom, and I have insight, I have knowledge and sound judgement." 
-Proverbs 8:12 
"...Jesus Christ who is the power of God and the wisdom of God." 
-1 Corinthians 1:24 

Therefore, Jesus Christ is the Wisdom mentioned in the Old Testament. 

I will share to you some of God's Wisdom in this book as I walk daily in Christ, and show you biblical truths regarding struggles like: 
- Bullying 
- Problem with parents 
- Earning more 
- Working tips 
- Being healthy and strong 
- Reducing stress at work 
- Having peace of mind 
- What is true love? 
- Gaining salvation 
- Where to find joy and happiness 
- Hoping for the future 

By our own intellect, we cannot fathom the mysteries of our lives, for God said that the wisdom of people is just foolishness. 

I Am Wisdom 

Friday, March 20, 2015

I Am Wisdom eBook Launch


Today, I am pleased to announce my book, "I Am Wisdom" is out now! This book is an on-going spiritual journey of my life that tells teachings and lessons learned each day, and so will be updated every month. You only need to own it once and the rest are free updates. The book contains passages from the Bible that help gain insight to current topics such as: 

  • Reducing stress at work
  • Earning more
  • Living a healthier life
  • Benefits of hard work
  • Having peace of mind
  • Gaining salvation
  • Finding joy and happiness
  • And so much more...
Please buy my book because I know that you will find it useful for your family, co-workers, and for all generations to come. God's wisdom is priceless.

Here's the link:

Thank you for all your support!

Fernando (Jun)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Deserving Gift


“You always hear the phrase, money doesn’t buy you happiness. But I always in the back of my mind figured a lot of money will buy you a little bit of happiness. But it’s not really true.”

Does having more money give you more problems?

10 If you love money, you will never be satisfied; if you long to be rich, you will never get all you want. It is useless. 11 The richer you are, the more mouths you have to feed. All you gain is the knowledge that you are rich. 12 Workers may or may not have enough to eat, but at least they can get a good night's sleep. The rich, however, have so much that they stay awake worrying. 13 Here is a terrible thing that I have seen in this world: people save up their money for a time when they may need it, 14 and then lose it all in some bad deal and end up with nothing left to pass on to their children. 15 We leave this world just as we entered it—with nothing. In spite of all our work there is nothing we can take with us. 16 It isn't right! We go just as we came. We labor, trying to catch the wind, and what do we get? 17 We get to live our lives in darkness and grief, worried, angry, and sick. 18 Here is what I have found out: the best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for during the short life that God has given us; this is our fate. 19 If God gives us wealth and property and lets us enjoy them, we should be grateful and enjoy what we have worked for. It is a gift from God. 20 Since God has allowed us to be happy, we will not worry too much about how short life is. (‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5‬:‭10-20‬ GNT)

Having happiness is like chasing the wind. We work hard to get rich and then when we are rich, we still chase that elusive wind called happiness. Everyone thinks that marriage will give them happiness also but it didn't, for it just gave them more grief.

Happiness is a gift. It is special for those who deserve it that only God can give. But, we still have to work hard for God to give us wealth and enjoy them. If you love money, you will never be satisfied; it's like chasing the wind.

So, do you deserve to be happy?




If only we could buy a pack of hope and forget all our problems. Money, food, relationships, and work. And now, we also carry the world in our sedans because of climate change, as if our worries are not enough already. But, the truth is there is hope. God has something good in store for us, no, something more wonderful than this; it's so grand it is a secret. We can't see it yet because God wants to surprise us like our birthday party when we were small, or like that wedding ring on your finger. God is not evil. He won't give His sons and daughters something they wouldn't want because that is what we all want- eternal life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Why Would I Never Learn?"


Learning is part of life; we learn everyday. In school when we were still small until we grow up, we learned things that were needed in order to live and be successful, achieving our goals.

That is why it is important to have good and proper education, for it is education that forms our being. Education is crucial in the life of a person for it teaches us what to do and help avoid mistakes. It is said:

13 Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life—guard it well. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ GNT)

Education is a process of learning and doing. You may not get it right the first time but with iteration, there is refinement until you get it right. "We learn by our own mistakes," as the adage goes, and through practice and hard work, makes it perfect.

The process is simple: Study->Think->Learn->Do then looped to Study again.

First, we learn from teachers, parents, and friends from what they say and by reading books, through the Internet and experiences.

Second, we think then comes understanding.

Third, we learn what we know.

Finally, we do what we have learned. If what we did is wrong, we try to study again and go through the process of learning. Or, if it's correct, we also go back to start and study new things and innovations through the whole process again. This is based from my experience and thinking that might be taken into consideration (Yes, I am still learning).

In school, our teachers talk all day imparting their knowledge to us so we know. They give quizzes, exams to test us if we learned something about learning. And through learning, applying it in our everyday lives. Study, Think, Learn and Do is the process of learning. As we move forward, we must be equipped enough to do our work and jobs, living independently, and even teaching others of what we have learned. In the end, don't be like this:

12 and you will say, “Why would I never learn? Why would I never let anyone correct me? (‭Proverbs‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬ GNT)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Filipinos Invented the New Macbook Battery?

You call this: "Ifugao" Technology!
It seems that they copied the tech for battery of their new Macbook from Banaue Rice Terraces which is one of The Great Wonders of the World!

Friday, March 6, 2015

iWork or Office?


Which is better, iWork or Microsoft Office? (It's like I'm going to receive alot of troll dolls as a present). I used Microsoft Office for the longest time than iWork, and I would prefer to study hard and make my letters' grammar correctly. What's the use of thousands of pesos software when your grammar is wrong? (except that you will hear alot of laughters in the office and alot of scorn from your boss). 

I remember my co-worker asking me for help about how to align a paragraph in Word and I just said that she use Excel. (Why would you use Excel for letter writing instead of Word?). Then, she keeps on insisting on using Word when my boss passed by and heard her complaining. My boss just said to use Excel. Of course she got mad and sworn to avenge herself that day (which never came because she's good and all).

The moral lesson of the story is like The Elmo Sesame's Street Show, which teaches you: "Whatever works!"


Sunday, March 1, 2015



I regret nothing (except the time when I stuck our Tamaraw on reverse and went through our gates and to the street. My mom was so furious I was praying hard for forgiveness, crying in front of our maid who was ironing clothes). Well to be honest I regret my sins I did in the past, but that was the past. It keeps on haunting me till the present and even asked for their forgiveness. 

Now, forgiven and guilt free, I am now happy! (like the toothpaste commercial). It's like somebody who has grown wings and could fly high in the sky (until someone shoots at it, grill it, and have dinner like we used to in my childhood with my dad. It even tasted like chicken). My goal today is to work hard (like everyone who applies for work in a very big company). No really, I'm working hard nowadays and been very busy (Saving the world again? ugh). I thought now everyone will take me seriously because I teach Bible and life, but it doesn't hurt to laugh now and then and have fun.


Happy While You Work?


Why do we toil everyday huh? For the future of our kids right? But, the problem is we don't know if our kids will just throw it all away, because they are fools like most people. They might just use the money to buy expensive toys or buy an expensive house by the lake (where a famous actor once lived). Or travel the world on a cruise ship where everyday is party. It may happen right?

King Solomon said, "All is vanity." It's better that you enjoy the wealth you toiled for day and night, from Mondays to Fridays and go ahead drink and eat and be merry! BUT, if you lived like a sinner, no matter how you drink and be merry you won't be happy. There is no joy for someone who are sinners, and only people who has God will have that abundant joy even they have so much little.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Boss is Always Right


The Boss is Always Right

The subordinate submits the sales report of the company and the boss receives it. After perusing it he said, "Why is there discrepancy on January to February this year on your report?" The subordinate answered, "I based the data coming from the manual receipts, AND the data from our computer systems. They say some of the data where deleted by mistake and should include the paper based invoices." The boss replied, "Ah, ok. Good work!" Then there is peace (of mind).

"Don't forget to brush your teeth kids." (then nobody reacts) "Why are you not following my instructions when I tell you to brush your teeth and you just ignore me?" 

20 years later...

I told you for the last time to come in early. We have customers waiting and you are always late! Why do you not listen? (because I was saving the world?)

The way I see it if Snowden didn't come out about the surveillance, none of the companies will improve their security. If none of the companies beefed up their security, companies will be in a worse state because of cyber attacks and lose more money.

"Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble, but one who openly criticizes works for peace."

-Proverbs 10:10

Friday, February 27, 2015

Battery Technology of the Future!


It looks as if prolonged charging time will, eventually, be consigned to the history books. Research into this area is well documented and we’re beginning to see occasional breakthroughs. Take Israeli startup StoreDot for example. You probably haven’t heard of the company, but it’s likely that you’ve seen its infamous video of a Samsung Galaxy S4 charging in a matter of seconds.

The technology behind that super-fast charge will soon become reality. The company has developed a working battery that can be charged in 60 seconds and it’s currently looking to partner with a manufacturer. The discovery of the technology itself was thanks to ongoing research into Alzheimer’s disease by the nanotechnology department of Tel Aviv University. The Guardian’s Shane Hickey explains:

“Researchers found interesting properties in a certain peptide molecule – a chain of amino acids – that affects neurons in the brain and causes Alzheimer’s. It turned out that these molecules had high capacitance, the ability to hold an electrical charge.

When two of these molecules are combined, they make a crystal which is two nanometers in size – two billionths of a metre. These “nanodots” form the basis of the StoreDot technology. Because of their increased capacitance, they can make batteries which rapidly absorb and hold a charge.”

As with Qualcomm’s technology, StoreDot’s battery requires a special charger which pumps up to 80 amps of current into a battery. The downside to this is that the storage capacity of battery is smaller than the current crop of lithium-ion batteries used in today’s smartphones. Any device that adopts StoreDot’s power-pack will need to be charged everyday, opposed to once every two days that most 2015 smartphones offer. It will also add an extra £30 to the price of the handset.

StoreDot says that its pocket-sized portable charger negates the smaller battery issue and consumers will happily pay the extra for a significantly shorter charging time. Both of which make sense given how dramatically different the new technology is. The startup counts Samsung has one of its investors, and it told the Guardian that it’s speaking with a number of manufacturers with the hope of a StoreDot battery being included in a smartphone by Christmas 2016.

Forbes 02-27-2015

AAAAaannddd all of these just for your kids to chat on Facebook and say how cute they are! :)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Good Business


Good Business

We were hired at work because there are problems and decisions to make. And the reason why we have businesses because it solves a specific problem. Everyday, we are confronted with bizarre details of issues and we are tasked to formulate a solution. We learned at school the science and math of going around these, but what confronts us daily are those that requires precision and skill (that sometimes makes us go mad) that we have acquired in our experiences. 

Now, I tell you to forget what you learned and follow this:

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong. If you do, it will be like good medicine, healing your wounds and easing your pains."

Proverbs 3:5-8

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfor Me


My apologies. Yeah, I've been an a$$ hole these past few days although having good intentions; I'm sorry if I made some people uncomfortable. As it was said in the bible, "Your rod and thy staff, they comfort me," and now I learned a valuable lesson. I admit I was holding my own staff not God's, and the best way to learn God's righteousness is by teaching a child with a rod and teaching grown-ups with a staff; with also a rod that hurts but also a staff that gently leads them to Jesus Christ. As God's servant my purpose is to tell you the Good News!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sound of Music


Sound of Music

I love to listen to music if I like to. That is, it depends on the mood like when you are stressed you would want to relax to instrumental music or even jazz. When you are working out, you would want nike songs, or dance with it and lose yourself to the grooves. But, no one pays for music anymore; they are all free (download). Ahem.

Dumb Watches


Dumb Watches

They are banning smart watches in schools because they say it's getting smarter than us. Later on, they are also banning oven toasters, refrigerators and even aircons (without ads). Then, we are going to make friends to our smart watches than our classmates because Siri is funnier wiser and more expensive (ouch!).

This is to say that let's go back to the olden days, when life is more rewarding when population is still small. Now, the few are richer than us grunts who work for scraps and earn scraps.  There are more people who are dumber (including me), who have nothing except money (with me on it). So, the conclusion is work harder, think harder and our lives will be harder! :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

App of the Day **Yahoo all the way**


No pain, no gain. Then why am I not gaining but only in pounds (kilos if it's fish). You can hear their scorning laughters 'cause they have ruined your life for themselves to be sold as food (as I've said, kilos for fish). They would even dance around you raising hands high and say, "Good for you! We are better than Christ himself." (even if he's on a boat). 

App of the day is Yahoo weather (wait a minute, I posted that before). It's best if I reposted it because the best things in life are free! (until you visit their site and see the scorning). 

Yahoo Weather by Yahoo

App of the Day **Yahoo Weather**


No, I'm not Michael Jordan (I'm just an ordinary citizen). I'm not a person who always swear at God that He is his (like people here always saying, "Oh my GAD!" But, it's still a nice day not to ruin it. Make it a habit to make someone else's day because after the day ends, you'll also be glad you made the day better!

So, download Yahoo weather's free app and make your day and other people's day sunny! (weather you like it or not). Please refer it to your friends (like Manny Paquiao) on Facebook, Twitter or the Mailman. :)

Yahoo Weather by Yahoo

Thursday, February 19, 2015

App for a Limited Time Sale **u.Memory**


Limited time offer app called u.Memory. It's essentially a journal writing app that can capture moments like photos, videos, music, and keep it in your journal daily. It also has Timeline feature that you can browse all your entries and even upload it to iCloud for backup. There are alot more features but don't have the time to test everything right now. Just do check it out!

I'm sharing this because it's sale for a limited time for just $0.99. So, please hurry and enjoy writing your personal moments.

u.Memory (iPad Version) by F.V Panda

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

App of the Day **Beesy**


App of the Day! **Beesy**

Beesy is a Task Manager, which means it make you more productive with time. It helps you decide what to do first for personal or a team; this could really make you organized. 

So, with hundreds of task managers and project management apps, what makes Beesy distinct and unique? The power lies in classifying tasks into four: Urgent-Non-Important, Urgent- Important, Non-Urgent-Non-Important and Non-Urgent-Important. It's like triaging (Google search it).

The only lacking in this app since it uses a different approach for it doesn't have Gantt charts, which we are usually familiar with project management software. But, I would recommend it to anyone since it's effective and its affordable price with others ranging in $9.99 like QuickPlan, iScope and Project Expert.

Using it the first time has some learning curve. You have to read the docs to fully utilize this powerful app.

Beesy - Take meeting notes with automated To-Do list and Task / Project management by BeesApps
$5.99 to buy with no demo.
Has some in-app purchases.

Da Vinci's Favorite Drink

Wow, isn't it beautiful? I wonder if Da Vinci made Mona Lisa on this and serve it at the school cafeteria? You can sell it for $5 bucks like an iPhone app (having Starbucks standard). Before, I thought of having a personal coffee maker so small it's like a tumbler and it just heats using solar energy, and you can even tweet it to your friends if it's empty and let them put it on facebook with ads and earn extra income to buy coffee. Then, we don't need to work for buying coffee! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Plant Simulator


Plant Simulator

How do you simulate a plant? Come on, it just sits there doing nothing for years! But, if you like to see how plants grow, better grow a beard; it's much easier (unless, you will need to buy fertilizer for your beard). 

Nowadays, you see all sorts of crazy games in IndieGoGo making simulators like the famous Goat Simulator, and there's even a Gabe Newell simulator (The founder of Valve who makes Steam). Me, I'd rather simulate food on how it's being cooked like a chef simulator or something; it's much more FUN!!! A barbecue simulator, an instant noodles simulator (that I love, and hate) or a popcorn simulator, where you observe how it pops (like in slow-mo from your iPhone) into that miracle weed that tastes like heaven! Ice cream? Who would'nt want Ice cream? (maybe except when you live in the arctic with penguins and dance to the tune of Selecta music in your neighborhood).

Luckily, I played Sim City.

Apps Yours Truly!

You know I love my iPad mini so much I would trade it for a car. And, not just a car, but a Tesla car with ten hours of battery (and I will still be going no where). Don't get me wrong! I really like it as a gift than buying it and I received it as a gift from my sister (and she got an iPhone). No, no, no I'm not rich- only rich in cream like the coffee I drink every hour until I die and rot. Hopefully, ONE MILLION YEARS later, I still got my iPad working. :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

App of the Day **InstaMag**


You may want to be a writer who loves to tell stories. It may be about your life or someone else's life. You may want make reviews, tips of your passion like photography, pets, tech or that side of you who wants to explore and discover places that others may also love and make cool magazines. Don't have the time? Comes InstaMag app for iPad.

InstaMag-Magazine Collage by Fotoable, Inc.

$1.99 to remove ads.

Free eBooks Everyday! Now Until March 5, 2015 At Packt

Packt is here to help you develop and that's why we're offering you and other IT professionals 18 days of Free Learning -- from today until March 5th, you can claim a free eBook every day here.

Each eBook will only be available for free for 24 hours, so make sure you come back every day to grab your Free Learning fix! We'll be featuring a diverse range of titles from our extensive library, so don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to develop some new skills and try out new tech.

Happy learning!

The Packt Team

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Steve Jobs: Book of the Day!

A book about Steve Jobs that I havent read but looks interesting.

$0.99 On Kindle (Limited Time Offer)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

App of the Day! **Converter+**


App of the Day **Converter+**

It's better to plan ahead and you need to compute for something like how much expenses you spend in your daily commute or you would like to compare two products when shopping; even when you are planning to make a loan or computing your grade in school. If you are working with computers, you may want to easily compute for data or when designing in typography. If you are planning to invest, you may want to compute for ROI (Return on Investment). If you love cooking, you may want to measure cups and tablespoons, etc. If you love dogs, you may want to compute dog years and so on.

You can even download more templates and even create your own! 
Avoid the hasle and use apps that will do it for you instead.

Converter Plus – Units, Currencies and Beyond [free] by TranCreative Software

$1.99 without the ads.

Happy Valentines Day 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

App of the Day **IFTTT**


There is Automator for the Mac that can automate repetitive tasks like resizing photos, sending email on a specific day or converting music to another format, searching rss feeds with keywords and about everything you can think of. But, what about iPhone or the iPad? Yes, there are some like this which you create your own tasks or choose from ready-made recipes. The good part is, it's also available for Android phones and tablets. But, for now it's still a bit limited compared to Automator but is still very, very useful. What makes this app stand-out is that it integrates well with on-online services like Facebook, Twitter and other popular storage services.

So, why not go ahead and try IFTTT (If This Then That) since it's FREE!


App of the Day! **CoachNote**

We love basketball. Your kids love to play and learn the popular sport, which is also our past time because it's just plain FUN!!!

Teach kids how to coach using this free app CoachNote (no, I'm not paid for this). I just thought of having an app a day on my blog to help to un-clutter the myriads of apps out there, and it's hard to find just the right app and I'm here to help.

  • You can design strategies and tactics.
  • Record it,
  • and share to others!

Please check the Facebook page for current news:

This just gives you an idea. You can try other apps out there like this on the app store. Who knows, you might discover something.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Teaching Our Pet Dog

We have a pet dog that every time we go out to eat and after coming home, we see paper littered all over the place. It is such a mess. He chews everything, you name it: newspaper, plastic, wood and even the metal gate; he’s like jaws in the form of a dog.

Train up a child while still young of good things, so when he grows up, he will not depart from it.