Friday, March 6, 2015

iWork or Office?


Which is better, iWork or Microsoft Office? (It's like I'm going to receive alot of troll dolls as a present). I used Microsoft Office for the longest time than iWork, and I would prefer to study hard and make my letters' grammar correctly. What's the use of thousands of pesos software when your grammar is wrong? (except that you will hear alot of laughters in the office and alot of scorn from your boss). 

I remember my co-worker asking me for help about how to align a paragraph in Word and I just said that she use Excel. (Why would you use Excel for letter writing instead of Word?). Then, she keeps on insisting on using Word when my boss passed by and heard her complaining. My boss just said to use Excel. Of course she got mad and sworn to avenge herself that day (which never came because she's good and all).

The moral lesson of the story is like The Elmo Sesame's Street Show, which teaches you: "Whatever works!"


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