Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Plant Simulator


Plant Simulator

How do you simulate a plant? Come on, it just sits there doing nothing for years! But, if you like to see how plants grow, better grow a beard; it's much easier (unless, you will need to buy fertilizer for your beard). 

Nowadays, you see all sorts of crazy games in IndieGoGo making simulators like the famous Goat Simulator, and there's even a Gabe Newell simulator (The founder of Valve who makes Steam). Me, I'd rather simulate food on how it's being cooked like a chef simulator or something; it's much more FUN!!! A barbecue simulator, an instant noodles simulator (that I love, and hate) or a popcorn simulator, where you observe how it pops (like in slow-mo from your iPhone) into that miracle weed that tastes like heaven! Ice cream? Who would'nt want Ice cream? (maybe except when you live in the arctic with penguins and dance to the tune of Selecta music in your neighborhood).

Luckily, I played Sim City.

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