Blessings are given to those who is worthy. It’s not for free because nothing in this world is free. If food is for free, then no one will ever work, and we’ll all be living in caves. No electricity, no aircon, no heater, and no TV. Everything we see now is a product of hunger.
So, we must not donate to charity? No, not at all! Donating to charity helps the hunger to do something. To strive for something. We cannot rely on charity for the rest of our lives do we? We have to do something. The money we donate comes from the things we do; we earn it, and giving it away makes us do more, and earn more. That’s where blessings come in: By doing more to help more and receiving more. And, if we suffer because we helped, then we will also be helped. Not by those we helped, but by those who also help.